Court of Appeal upholds the High Court's refusal to grant leave for judicial review to a former teacher seeking to challenge her dismissal and the denial of an injury gratuity. The appellant's dismissal by an Education and Training Board, affirmed by the Minister for Education in 2015, had previously been subject to final determinations by the Labour Court, which the appellant did not contest at the time. The Court of Appeal found the appellant's judicial review applications to be an abuse of process, an attempt to relitigate settled matters, and "hopelessly out of time." The court also dismissed the appellant's claim for an injury gratuity, as the alleged injury did not occur in the course of her teaching duties, a prerequisite for eligibility under the relevant superannuation scheme.
Court of Appeal, judicial review, dismissal, teacher, Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board (KWETB), Minister for Education, Labour Court, abuse of process, injury gratuity, Education and Training Board Teachers Superannuation Scheme 2015, fair procedures, mandamus, certiorari, Workplace Relations Commission (WRC), Freedom of Information Act, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Isaac Wunder order, strike out order, vexatious litigation.