High Court refuses to overturn decision granting planning permission, on the grounds that: (a) the applicant had not exhausted all appeal mechanisms before initiating judicial review proceedings; and (b) the applicant was not at any stage precluded from making an appeal.
High Court - Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) - Planning and Development Regulations 2001 - decision not appealed to board in time - applicant argues he was out of the country - 29th November, 2022 - Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) - section 34 - application to expand - Planning and Development Regulations 2001 - Article 20 - site notice must be in place for five weeks - 11th January, 2023 - notice expired - 1st February, 2023 - permission granted - 28th February, 2023 - An Taisce appealed - 2000 Act - section 37(6) - applicant appealed to board - 24th March, 2023 - leave refused - May 2023 - judicial review matter dealt with on consent - matter remitted to board - 9th January, 2024 - leave to to appeal refused again - 28th March, 2023 - leave sought on ex parte basis - 20th February, 2024 - matter ultimately heard, judgment reserved - 2000 Act - section 50A(3)(c) - all appeal mechanisms must be exhausted before judicial review - applicant's caretaker could've seen notice while he was out of the country - applicant was not prevented from bringing an appeal - application dismissed - no costs order.