High Court, by way of judicial review, refuses to quash decision of Minister for Justice and Equality to reject application for enhanced remission of the applicant's sentence (the applicant was convicted of a drugs possessions offence and is serving an eleven year term of imprisonment), on the grounds that: 1) the application for judicial review is out of time since the applicant advanced no reason as to why he did not seek judicial review within three months of the communication of the decision to him; and 2) in any event, the applicant has not demonstrated that his case is any different from other recent cases regarding the role of the courts in reviewing a decision by the Minister to grant a prisoner enhanced remission.
Criminal law – judicial review – applicant convicted of an offence contrary to s. 15 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977-1984 and serving an eleven year term of imprisonment – Minister for Justice and Equality refused to grant enhanced remission – applicant seeks an order of certiorari on the grounds that the Minister failed to give any or any adequate reasons for her decision, and that the decision was made in the absence of fairness of process and natural justice – is the applicant out of time – applicant advanced no reason that he did not seek judicial review within three months of the communication of the decision to him – application fails by reason of being out of time – reliefs sought refused.