Court of Appeal sets aside the original 6 ½ year sentence, with the final 2 ½ years suspended, for a young adult convicted of assault causing serious harm and aggravated burglary, on the grounds that the sentencing judge erred by unduly reducing the headline sentence due to the respondent's age; and the court, having determined that the respondent's age should not have influenced the headline sentence, re-sentences the individual to 8 ½ years, with the final 2 ½ years suspended, provided no re-offense or breach of conditions occurs post-release.
Court of Appeal - assault causing serious harm - aggravated burglary - unduly lenient sentence - Criminal Justice Act 1993 - Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act 1997 - Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences) Act 2001 - headline sentence - mitigating factors - rehabilitation - suspended sentence - re-sentencing - youth as a mitigating factor - majority age - culpability - harm - error in principle.