Court of Appeal allows appeal of High Court judgment in favour of the plaintiff bank in summary summons proceedings in the sum of €70,007.18, on the grounds that the bank, in its verifying affidavit, had failed to prove the amount stated to be due and owing in the special indorsement of claim, and that the customer is entitled to a straightforward, clear and unambiguous statement on affidavit demonstrating how the sum claimed in the notice of motion is lawfully due and owing.
Debt recovery – summary summons proceedings – appeal of High Court judgment in favour of the plaintiff bank in the sum of €70,007.18 – whether the bank’s grounding affidavit failed to comply with the requirements of the Banker’s Books Evidence Act 1879, thus rendering it inadmissible as hearsay evidence – whether the bank in its verifying affidavit, had failed to prove the amount stated to be due and owing in the special indorsement of claim – O.37 r.1 of the Rules of the Superior Courts – bank has not proved its entitlement to obtain summary judgement as against the customer for €70,007.18 while claimed in the notice of motion, it is not the customer’s liability as advised in the special indorsement of claim – customer is entitled to a straightforward, clear and unambiguous statement on affidavit demonstrating how the sum claimed in the notice of motion is lawfully due and owing – set aside order of the High Court – appeal allowed.