Court of Appeal referrs three questions to the Court of Justice of the European Union concerning the interpretation of EU law on the right to reside, in a case involving an individual's application for retention of a Residence Card in Ireland after divorce from an EU citizen, and the central issues are: whether the Minister gave due consideration to the EU citizen's employment status and social welfare receipts; whether the EU citizen's unemployment was "duly recorded" as involuntary under the applicable Directive; and whether EU law requires the Minister to disclose certain documents to the applicant.
Residence Card - EU Treaty Rights - involuntary unemployment - Citizens Rights Directive 2004/38/EC - Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) - High Court - Court of Appeal - Minister's decision - social welfare - Jobseeker's Allowance - judicial review - EU citizen - non-EEA national - divorce - derived rights - retention of residence permission - Regulation 10(2) of the 2015 Regulations - DEASP (Department of Enterprise Affairs and Social Protection) - Art. 267 TFEU, Art. 41 of the Charter, -documentation disclosure - mootness.