High Court Taxing Master, in relation to a judicial review that was compromised prior to hearing: a) grants instructions fee of €8,000 where a fee of €22,500 had been claimed, on the grounds that no information had been provided concerning the work carried out by the solicitor; b) grants senior counsel's brief fee of €4,000, where €17,500 had been claimed, on the grounds that the brief had only been furnished the day before the hearing, and the only substantial hearing concerned costs; and c) grants junior counsel's brief fee of €2,000, as well as a fee of €2,000 for preparing submissions.
Taxation of costs - judicial review - agreement between parties that impugned order be quashed - costs awarded to applicant - brief sent to senior counsel one day prior to hearing - adjournment - instruction fee claimed of €52,500 - consideration of file and papers - fee measured of €8,000 - brief fee claimed of €17,500 - whether disproportionate - submissions prepared by junior counsel - brief fees assessed at €4,000 for senior counsel and €2,000 for junior counsel (in addition to fee for preparing submissions).