High Court, in proceedings for damages arising from allegation that the first named plaintiff was maliciously prosecuted, refuses plaintiffs’ application for further and better discovery, on the grounds that all relevant documentation has been discovered by the defendants.
Application for further and better discovery - first named plaintiff claims for damages on grounds that he was maliciously prosecuted – prosecuted for having no vehicle insurance, for having no driving license, for a failure to produce a driving license within ten days, and a failure to produce an insurance certificate within ten days - produced his license and insurance at the nominated garda station within the statutory and specified ten days - malicious prosecution resulted in serious consequences for both plaintiffs – fined, license endorsed, driving disqualification for one year, and a prison sentence for one month – alleged that there was a forced entry into his home, that he was subject to a wrongful and unlawful arrest, and that he was falsely imprisoned and trespassed upon - part of a long term and ongoing vicious campaign of abuse – Master of the High Court made two orders for discovery of documents relating to the prosecution and appeal – plaintiffs seek further and better discovery – affidavit of discovery - no notebook entries taken – privilege asserted over documents relating to decision to prosecute - no further documents in relation to committal warrants - State defendants have agreed to waive the claim of privilege - circumstances surrounding the issuing of the summons and the documents generated - Court takes the view that the first named plaintiff now has discovery of the matters which he required to take proceedings - Court upholds the claim of privilege in respect of Category 2 documents from the State – delay in serving the affidavit - difficulty in terms of serving documents on the plaintiff – discovery ordered against Court Service Defendants – documents no longer within the possession, power or procurement of the Courts Service defendants - plaintiff’s main complaint is that he did not get them until this year - circumstances in which it is appropriate to make an order for further and better discovery - Court is satisfied that all relevant documents have been disclosed by both defendants - not the function of the High Court to order the discovery of documents which are unable to be discovered.