High Court determines that the Vodafone Ireland Pension Plan provides guaranteed pension increases for Scheme C members, rejecting the principal employer's contention that such increases were discretionary, the court finding that the language of the 2005 Deed established a right to pension increases on a pay parity basis, in line with the percentage increase in the relevant grade for each member; and the court also directs that the appropriate comparator for calculating pension increases is the average percentage salary increase across the general Vodafone staff, excluding increments, promotions, or variable payments such as performance-related bonuses.
Vodafone Ireland Pension Plan (VIPP) - Scheme C members - guaranteed pension increases - pay parity - Rule 10 - 2005 Deed - discretionary increases - comparator - average percentage salary increase - Vodafone staff - High Court decision - pension scheme deed - employment history - civil service transfer - statutory protections - Pension (Increase) Act 1964 - Ministerial consent - commercial sustainability - administrative burden - average annual increase - non-graded staff - Rules of the Superior Courts (RSC) - inherent jurisdiction.