High Court orders the remittal of a contractual dispute, which originated from the termination of a service agreement involving vehicle towage and storage for An Garda Síochána, to the Circuit Court, on the grounds that the potential damages do not surpass the Circuit Court's monetary jurisdiction of €75,000 as the claimed rates of €35 or €50 per day had no credible basis, and that the plaintiff should have mitigated losses by cooperating with the defendant post-termination.
Remittal of proceedings - High Court - Circuit Court - contractual dispute - vehicle towage and storage - An Garda Síochána - breach of contract - wrongful termination - collateral contract - misrepresentation - damages - mitigation of losses - jurisdictional threshold - Section 25 of the Courts of Justice Act 1924 - Section 11(2) of the Courts of Justice Act 1936 - Section 20 of the Courts of Justice Act 1936 - quantum meruit, - reasonable damages - Western Circuit - County Mayo - legal costs - Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 - Section 17 of the Courts Act 1981.