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High Court, in judicial review challenging the decision refusing an Albanian national international protection, refuses application for an injunction restraining the Minister for Justice from refusing her a declaration of refugee and/or subsidiary protection status, on the grounds that there was no real risk of injustice to the Albanian national in allowing the Minister to operate the statutory process in a situation where the only prejudice is the purely legal one of having to challenge any adverse decision.
Asylum and immigration – judicial review – injunctions – Albanian national refused international protection – granted leave to judicially review – sought an injunction restraining Minister for Justice from refusing to give her a declaration of refugee status or subsidiary protection status – sought an undertaking – not forthcoming – moved application for an injunction – whether the Minister should be restrained from operating the statutory process - any adverse decision predicated on refusal of protection would automatically fall and the applicant does not need to do anything in that regard - all subsequent adverse decisions premised on the IPAT decision would be withdrawn – if she loses the present judicial review, she would have to cross the hurdle of those other processes anyway – prejudice - no conscious practice of holding up decision-making if an IPAT decision is challenged – amend proceedings if further adverse decision made - principle of giving effect to prima facie valid decisions - appropriate order is to refuse the interlocutory stay at the present time, but with liberty to renew the application if any relevant circumstances change –
Note: This is intended to be a fair and accurate report of a decision made public by a court of law. Any errors should be notified to the editor and will be dealt with accordingly.
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