Supreme Court, in supplemental judgment, dismisses appeal from High Court, and affirms refusal to set aside a bankruptcy summons in respect of interest arising on an order for costs made in 1997, where the costs were taxed in 2003, demands were made in 2009 and again in 2010, on the grounds that the six-year period for which interest was claimed should be calculated backwards from the 2010 demand.
Dunne J (nem diss): Supplemental judgment - refusal to dismiss bankruptcy summons - dismissal of appeal - costs - interest on costs - order for costs made in 1997 - certificate of taxation issued in 2003 - bankruptcy summons issued in 2009 and dismissed - further summons issued in 2010 - calculation of interest - relevant six year period over which interest was calculated - costs taxed in the sum of €3,297,493.33 - 26 of the Debtors (Ireland) Act 1840 - rate of interest specified under 1840 Act - s. 30(1) of the Court and Court Officers Act 2002 - whether interest claimed was overstated - whether period to be calculated by first or second demand.