High Court dismisses appeal from decision of the Labour Court, on the grounds that: (a) the Labour Court acted in accordance with the requirements for fair procedures where the appellant was present, heard directly the evidence against him and was afforded an opportunity to challenge it; and (b) there was a clear, legally sound basis for the finding in the Labour Court's determination that the claims advanced by the appellant under protected disclosures legislation were not well founded, and therefore the appellant was not entitled to the protection afforded by statute.
Appeal from decision of the Labour Court on a point of law - appellant employed by respondent as higher executive officer and manager of the finance section - appellant subject of disciplinary procedure as a result of alleged misconduct, resulting in final warning letter - appealed both via internal appeals procedure and to external appeals officer and both appeals unsuccessful - appellant had made number of protected disclosures under provisions of Protected Disclosures Act 2014 - appellant complained to Workplace Relations Commission under 2014 Act that the disciplinary process was in effect a penalty for having made a protected disclosure - adjudication officer found against him and appellant appealed - Labour Court held that the complaints advanced by the appellant under 2014 Act were not well founded - whether Labour Court erred in respect of fair procedures and natural justice - whether Labour Court made certain errors of law - whether Labour Court correctly applied extent of protections in 2014 Act.