High Court, in proceedings in which the court, in its substantive judgment, had quashed aquaculture and foreshore licenses for a salmon farm and remitted the matter for re-decision by the Aquaculture Licenses Appeals Board and the Minister, awards the applicants 80% of their trial costs and legal fees, with the court emphasising the need for a broad-brush approach in determining costs due to the complexity of the case.
Aquaculture License, Foreshore License, Bantry Bay, Shot Head, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Appropriate Assessment (AA), Aquaculture Licenses Appeals Board (ALAB), Water Framework Directive (WFD), Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen, delay, objective bias, judicial review, environmental law, planning law, costs order, Veolia principles, NPE rule (Not Prohibitively Expensive), pro bono representation, "no foal no fee" arrangements, public participation, access to justice.