The High Court refuses to grant a certificate to appeal to the Court of Appeal from a decision quashing a decision of An Bord Pleanala to refuse permission for 16 residential units, on the grounds that the Board had made an error of law which went to its jurisdiction, and that it was not in the public interest for the matter to proceed to appeal. The court had found that the Board had misinterpreted Objective ZU18-10, which does not preclude residential development, and failed to provide adequate reasons for its decision, particularly in its departure from the recommendation of its Inspector. The Board's request to certify two points of law for appeal was denied, as the points did not arise from the judgment and were not argued at the initial hearing, nor were they determinative of the proceedings.
An Bord Pleanála, residential development, zoning objective, Cork County Development Plan, Objective ZU18-10, planning permission, High Court, judicial review, certiorari, Planning and Development Act 2000, Court of Appeal, adequacy of reasons, statutory interpretation, public interest, exceptional public importance, jurisdictional error.