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High Court, in special summons proceedings, grants plaintiff a well-charging order over defendant's interests in certain lands in County Laois, on the grounds that the plaintiff is holder of three judgment mortgages registered against the defendant's properties,...
High Court: (a) refuses to extend time to appeal judgment obtained in the Circuit Court in default of appearance and defence in 2007, where the judgment debtor had been aware of the judgment since 2008, but had not sought to appeal it until 2016; and (b) refuses to...
High Court, by way of a Circuit Court appeal against an order for possession granted in favour of the respondent bank against the interests of the appellant as the former mortgagee of a family home in Dublin, dismisses appeal on the grounds that the appellant's...
High Court refuses application by creditors over registered land to amend their pleadings to seek declaratory relief concerning the priority of charges, on the grounds that: (a) no supporting plea as to facts or the legal consequences of those facts had been given to...
Court of Appeal dismisses appeal of High Court order for possession of property, on the grounds that, in light of key documents provided: 1) what was the EBS Building Society is now EBS Ltd, and the plaintiff has discharged the requisite onus of proof of demonstrating...
On the new episode of The Fifth Court, Ciara Dowd BL, and solicitor Aileen...
In criminal prosecutions, the District Court has a longstanding system of court presenters, in which an officer of An Garda Síochána not directly...
Introduction In January of this year, a German court found Anwar Raslan guilty of crimes against humanity. Raslan ran an infamous detention centre...
Introduction 'The proper rule of the judiciary is one of interpreting and applying the law, not making it.' Not only are the above words of Justice...
Introduction Part 1 of this article (found here) provided a flavour of the many memorable opening and closing paragraphs of Irish judgments. The aim...
Introduction Written judgments are widely perceived to be boring, inaccessible and difficult to understand. If one was to hazard a guess, such a...
High Court grants an application for an extension of time within which to...
High Court refuses application to enter final judgement against the defendants...
High Court grants a bank an order for possession of a property, despite the...
High Court, on appeal from the Circuit Court, refuses possession of premises by way of summary judgment, on the grounds that the plaintiff, a financial institution, had not adequately established ownership of both the registered charge and the underlying debt, with the defendants raising concerns about potential transactions affecting the...
High Court gives procedural directions in relation to a reference to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) concerning a judicial review application for a domestic development consent. The applicants' case was initially deemed one day late, but the court recognised the need to clarify EU law on the matter.
The guest on this week's episode of The Fifth Court podcast is Keith Walsh, solicitor, who discusses various issues relating to family law,...
Introduction The enforcement regime was completely overhauled after the financial crisis due to the recognition that although sufficient tools...
Introduction In light of a series of very successful enforcement actions, most notably the staggering €100,520,000.00 fine imposed against the...
In the new episode of the Fifth Court Podcast, Simon Mills SC discusses his transition from medical doctor to barrister, some current issues in...