High Court grants judicial review of a determination that a nurse sexually abused his sister in the past, and prohibits further publication of the said determination, on the grounds that the procedures followed by the Child and Family Agency in investigating the claims were fundamentally flawed.
Judicial review – child care – substantive hearing – nurse accused of sexual abuse - statement of allegations - sister accused him of abuse - risk assessment arising from allegations - obliged to notify his employer that retrospective allegations had been made against him and that he had agreed to undertake an assessment – interview - concluded that he had abused his sister - placed on administrative leave - further risk assessment – did not take part in polygraph testing - acknowledged that he had inappropriate feelings for his sister - agreed to undertake such other psychological examination or interviews as might be deemed reasonably necessary - never acted on those feelings which were very brief and fleeting - consent to assessment - assessment - complete dissatisfaction with the manner in which the assessment had taken place - responsibilities and jurisdiction in issues of child protection of the Child and Family Agency - function of the Health Board as a Child Protection Agency differed fundamentally from the prosecutorial function of An Garda Síochána and the Director of Public Prosecutions - has to be a reasonable assessment of each complaint - essential that a person charged with wrongdoing should be informed of what is being alleged against him and that he should be given a reasonable opportunity to make his defence - failed to ensure that he was fully informed of the allegations made against him and furnished with all relevant materials upon which they were based - failed to meet the requirements of fair procedures – failure to afford an oral hearing - right to cross-examine - court is not satisfied that the procedures required in a child protection assessment of risk which is largely investigative in nature should approach those of a criminal or civil trial – no independent assessment – procedures followed were fundamentally flawed – judicial review granted – prohibition on further publication - can carry out a fresh investigation.