High Court refuses an application for judicial review challenging the prohibition on international protection applicants from working in the public sector. The applicant, a qualified pharmacist, was granted a Labour Market Access Permission (LMAP) but was restricted from public sector employment by the 2018 Regulations. The court found that the restrictions did not prevent effective access to the labour market and were consistent with both the 2013 Directive and national law. The applicant's claims that the restrictions were disproportionate and infringed on his rights under EU law and the Constitution were rejected.
International Protection Applicant, Labour Market Access Permission (LMAP), 2018 Regulations, Public Sector Employment Prohibition, Judicial Review, 2013 Directive, Effective Access to Labour Market, Constitution, Rights, Proportionality, Refugee Status, Employment Permits Act, Self-Sufficiency, Dignity, Pull Factors, EU Law, National Law.