High Court refuses an application to prohibit a retrial in a case involving allegations of assault, where the applicant, previously convicted and then acquitted upon appeal, argued that the retrial constituted an abuse of process and that there was a risk of an unfair trial due to alleged corruption among judges, legal teams, and gardaí, as well as suppressed evidence, the court finding no evidence to support these claims and determining that the trial judge is best placed to ensure a fair trial; and the court also noted that the application was an improper attempt to circumvent appellate court decisions, as the Supreme Court had already refused to overturn the Court of Appeal's order for a retrial.
Retrial - prohibition application - assault allegations - unfair trial risk - judicial corruption allegations - suppressed evidence - appellate court decisions - Supreme Court - Court of Appeal - abuse of process - malicious prosecution - evidential basis - trial judge - fair trial - witness availability - forensic report - Criminal Procedure Act 1967 - Criminal Justice Act 1999 - Rules of the Superior Courts (RSC) - Blackhall v Grehan - O.84 rule 22(2A) RSC.