High Court refuses summary judgment regarding a disputed loan repayment, ruling that the case requires a full trial to resolve the complex issues involved. The plaintiff sought repayment of €158,687.65, alleging that the defendant had failed to repay a €90,000 loan intended as a bridging investment in a start-up company. The defendant countered that her liability as a guarantor was extinguished once the company secured further funding. The court found that the defendant presented an arguable defense, particularly given the lack of clarity on the loan's terms and the subsequent investment agreement that may have nullified previous arrangements. The case, initially brought to court with a summary summons, will now proceed to a plenary hearing for a detailed examination of the facts and evidence.
Summary judgment, loan repayment, guarantor, start-up investment, equity investment, bridging loan, investment agreement, prima facie legal entitlement, arguable defense, plenary hearing, extinguishment of liability, summary summons, cloud-based platform, cash flow difficulties, breach of warranty, receivership, liquidation.