The High Court ruled in favor of a taxpayer, allowing full VAT deduction on services received in relation to both management activities and significant restructuring projects. The taxpayer, an ultimate holding company of a global healthcare products group, was found to be wholly engaged in economic activities, thus entitled to reclaim VAT on costs associated with management services provided to its subsidiaries and costs incurred during the "Project Jameson" restructuring and the "Medtronic" transaction. The original decision by the Tax Appeal Commissioner (TAC) to allow the taxpayer's appeal from VAT assessments made by Revenue was upheld, affirming the taxpayer's right to a full VAT deduction.
VAT deduction - economic activity - Tax Appeal Commissioner (TAC) - management services - Project Jameson - Medtronic transaction - restructuring - healthcare products group - subsidiaries - VAT assessments - Revenue Commissioners - supply of services - direct and immediate link - taxable output supplies - deduction entitlement - High Court decision.