High Court grants an order for a transfer of a vulnerable minor, who has been exposed to serious harm and remains at high risk, to a secure therapeutic placement in the United Kingdom by the Irish court, on the grounds that there is a lack of available special care beds in Ireland, and an urgent need for a secure environment to address the minor's complex needs; and the original Special Care Order, which could not be practically implemented due to capacity issues, has led the court to rely on its wardship jurisdiction to ensure the minor's safety and well-being.
Vulnerable minor - secure therapeutic placement - United Kingdom - lack of special care availability - Ireland - Special Care Order - wardship jurisdiction - safety and well-being - high-risk behavior - therapeutic security - mental health - ADHD - learning disability - Guardian ad Litem - Hague Convention - Article 42 A of the Constitution - Child Care Act 1991 - Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) - NHS England - Health and Social Care Act 2012 - Ofsted inspection - statutory regime - constitutional rights.